Sunday, April 8, 2007

Simon & Schuster book profile

I was invited by Simon & Schuster to contribute to an upcoming book entitled In the Moment that profiles how effective leaders leverage their internal drive and ego in a positive way to enable great successes. Below is that submission.

Helping employees unlock their potential can be a challenge for new and experienced managers alike. My own motivation to empower coworkers lies in the memory of an autistic boy on a theatre stage, singing for the first time in front of a rapt audience. The moment occurred at the People's Light and Theatre Company, an organization that provides arts education for underprivileged kids. As a committee board member, I had noticed the boy sitting on the sidelines through weeks of practice, never once joining in rehearsals. But on performance night, he spontaneously climbed onto the stage to sing with the other children, something having awakened the passion inside him. For me, the memory of that boy's song exemplifies what we're capable of when we tap into our unrealized abilities.

Having become one of the youngest directors and then vice presidents at Unisys--a worldwide technology services and solutions company--I learned that personal development is the key to the success of employees and of the firm. Starting as a co-op with Unisys during college, I rose very quickly through the ranks of the company. I was particularly enabled by an individualized personality and skills assessment tool that led me to seek input from my superiors, my peers, and my own employees regarding my abilities as a leader and innovator. That experience, and the self-awareness it brought, opened my eyes to opportunities to grow and to nurture my own hidden resources.

Ego is, in part, an acute self-awareness which, when untempered by a measure of humility, can lead to the downfall of an organization. But self-awareness is an integral piece of my business plan—and here I speak not only of my own self-awareness, but the self-knowledge of every individual in my business. When a person is aware of his or her strengths—including those hidden behind uncertainty or fear of failure—she can wield those abilities with more control and put them to better use. Once employees embark on a journey of self-awareness, they can begin to take the big-picture view, stepping outside their own field of vision and devising ways to work together in order to achieve the broader goals of the company.

As a manager, I put this theory into real-world use. Seeking to create an organization that actively invests in the well-being of everyone, I encouraged all employees under my guidance to develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP)—a tool that empowers employees to articulate goals and aspirations, and guides management to define the experiences necessary for workers to realize these aims. These were personal career goals, I explained to my employees. While the good of the company is never far from my mind, I also recognize that people have lives and interests outside of the company. I want to help employees leverage this momentum--this passion--to their own benefit instead of letting it come between them and their fullest potential. It makes sense for our work, our work environment, and each worker.

I realized an exercise like the IDP was risky; inevitably, some employees, after defining and discussing life goals, might consider it in their best interest to eventually leave the company. But I also knew that given the right support, employees will leverage their talents in a way that is ultimately good for the company. One benefit of the IDP project and the resultant increased self-awareness among my employees has been the de-compartmentalization of the company in terms of our approach to large projects. The tendency in large corporations is for specific groups within the company to keep to themselves—the engineers with the engineers, etc. But as employees become more self-aware, I am able to cultivate a collaborative environment in which individuals form self-selecting communities based on their own passions and skills. Much in the way open source technology works, individuals contribute their ideas, modifications, and suggestions to a specific project while the community as a whole decides what stays and what goes.

This collaborative business model not only produces more efficiency and a better product, but a system through which employees give and receive critical peer feedback. The greatest asset of the IDP, however, is the loyalty and commitment it generates from my employees. Consistently, my branch of the company attains some of the highest levels of professional satisfaction with the lowest attrition rates across the entire company. Open source is no longer merely a product of our efforts, but the lens through which I see my professional responsibilities. This fusion of product and process guides my desire to help employees tap into their own hidden resources.

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